SISTER eunice summers

Mary Theresa Eunice was born in Ottawa, Ontario in 1926 as one of eight children. She entered the Sisters of St. Joseph in Peterborough in 1948 and was given the religious name of Sister Mary Laura. On June 10th, Sister Mary marked her 75th anniversary as a member of the Sisters of St. Joseph.

Sister Eunice received her education in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. She taught school in Cobourg, Lindsay, Ottawa. Peterborough and Port Hope and was Vice Principal in Port Hope and Principal in both Cobourg and at St. Teresa’s in Peterborough. Her teaching ministry spanned over thirty-five years.

During her time in Cobourg, Sister Eunice was very involved in St. Michael’s Parish as Lector, Eucharistic Minister, youth group volunteer and member of the parish council. She also served a term on the Board of the Public Library.  When she moved to Port Hope, as well as attending to her teaching duties, she became involved in Our Lady of Good Council Parish.

Following her formal retirement Sister worked a year in Regina, Saskatchewan as Bookkeeper at Martha House and then took some time for personal renewal. Returning from her program Sister spent the next twenty years in Ottawa in the service of hospitality at the Sisters’ Hospitality House (Stewart Street and Rosewood), supply teaching and tutoring adults with learning disabilities, assisting the elderly and infirm. She was involved in St. Joseph’s Parish and later a member of the parish council for Our Lady of Mercy Parish. Sister Eunice was a contact with the CSJ Associates in Ottawa. Sister Eunice has resided at Mount St Joseph since 2011 and ministered as a loving companion to her sister, Sister Anna. She is remembered for her hospitality, sense of humour and loving concern for her sister.