
The Grand Opera

If you missed London’s Grand Theatre High School Project 2023 production of The Phantom of the Opera, you missed the thrill of a lifetime. Throughout the summer holidays, following rigorous auditions and meetings, a talented group of London and area students were selected to play the renowned roles of Phantom, Christine, Raoul, and a host of other characters, crew, singers, and musicians. Amidst final exams, summer jobs, etc., the cast practised long hours with their directors to present a top-notch, A+ musical performance.

Throughout summer afternoons and evenings from September 19th – October 7th, the talented cast of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s famous musical sang and danced their way into the hearts of eager theatre goers. Whether the audience was composed of students, parents, youth, or seniors, all agreed that the always sold-out performances were stellar. The most often-heard remarks referred to the students’ presentation as professional. In fact, a friend who had attended the musical in Toronto and several major cities, enthused that the London and area students’ rendition outdid them all. No wonder he attended the High School’s production twice!

The Grand Theatre’s partnership with local high schools has been a resounding success since they launched the first student play/musical 25 years ago. I attended the 2008 season’s production, The Pirates of Penzance; it was exhilarating. Smiling, bright-eyed youth threw caution to the wind, singing and dancing their way to future stardom!

What other group of people possesses the willingness, drive, unbounded energy, and enthusiasm, more than teenagers, always ready for a challenge. I taught secondary school students for 23 years, and I stand by my words. Let us raise a glass and sing praise to London’s Grand Theatre and district secondary schools for encouraging and supporting the amazing potential of their students.

-Sister Jean Moylan, CSJ

Art as Prayer

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Art does not reproduce the visible rather it makes it visible. 

Paul Klee (1879-1940)

The video Van Gogh Exhibition Paris is a must-see. There will not be one iota of doubt for anyone who has eyes to see and ears to hear, that art and prayer hold an intimate relationship.  Viewing the video, I was seized by the sheer beauty of massive pieces of fabric printed with Van Gogh’s paintings.  They were flowing from ceiling to floor, while well-arranged lights created a moving ambiance.  At the same time, filling my ears and heart were the words from the song Vincent, by Don McLean.   A powerful and deepening visual and visceral experience reaching to the depths of my soul.  What a gift to soak in this art, born through the passion, pain, and spirituality of Vincent Van Gogh.  

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Paintings by some of the world’s leading artists created centuries ago remain significant treasures today. People travel all over the world to see them, to be in the energy of the original painting, sculptures. Galleries position benches in front of paintings, as indicators/invitations to stop, rest, reflect, soak, breathe, and sink into the mystery of being with the painting and to let it speaks.   While not labeled as such, this becomes an experience of contemplation, that leads to stillness and holding the space. There, “behold” the energy conveyed through divine presence, listening to creator God, being Spirit-filled.  In creating one’s own art the process invites letting go, emptying, being with the shapes and sharp edges, noticing.  What does not feel comfortable? What softens and awakens, brings to newness?

Both art and prayer are vehicles for transformation of consciousness.

Both art and prayer, are vehicles for transformation of consciousness.  Van Gogh was continually in touch with “the vibrating light of God in the world around him” and had an ability “to see God even in the darkness of life, in nature, and to envision and paint the cosmos” (Baerg). Vincent painted from his soul and has enabled us to be more in touch with ours.  Painting for him was to feed his soul and ride on the energy of the stars.

-Sister Patricia St. Louis, csj

“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique.  And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.”  -Martha Graham


Erickson, Kathleen Powers.  At Eternity’s Gate: The Spiritual Vision of Vincent. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1998.

Rachel Baerg.  Vincent van Gogh: An Eye for God.