What Savings?

On International Women’s Day, March 8th, at midnight we also sprang forward in time (fall back, spring forward). Losing one hour of sleep but gaining an extra evening hour of light. Oh what we could have done with that hour! Well just what would you have done with that hour?

We often want something that could have been but is now beyond our reach and we can’t get it back. Fickle creatures aren’t we?? We are now into Lent – where are we in our resolve to seek conversion? We begin eagerly but can we keep up the pace on the walk to Jerusalem? We have already lost an hour of the journey!

Daylight Saving Time – what a gift – more sunshine to remind us that the Light of Christ has come into Our World. Let your light shine, let it shine on others.

This hour is like a “savings coupon” – we cash it in for sunlight to help us let our hearts shine.

So much of our world is in darkness – Syria, the Ukraine, the homeless, the unemployed, just to name a few. How do we together and individually make a difference?

In the extra hour of daylight take a moment to energize our world – we may not be able to help the healing physically but there is no excuse not to reach out with spiritual energy.

We haven’t lost an hour but gained light.

“Let it shine

  Let it shine

  Let it shine”

No one else can shine for you!

Barbara Vaughan, CSJ