Outside, Inside the Box Thinking

"In God’s Womb: A Journey with yourself and God."

 When I first read Edwina Gately’s words on the flyer advertising her day of retreat, I was somewhat overwhelmed.  To be a co-creator of God!  A tall order, or as Edwina writes ‘an enormous task.’ However, I wanted to learn more about co-creating with God. I mean, really, God needs me to help God create?

From the time Edwina was introduced that Saturday morning at Kings College, I knew I was in for a treat. It immediately was evident that this wise woman, whom some call a mystic, and who has travelled the world, has vast experience.

Her unique manner of presentation, and her wonderful sense of humour were evident from the moment she began our day together. We all instantly knew it would be a day of great soul food which would also challenge our minds. She was definitely going to invite us to think outside the box. When she invited us “to look at all that has gone before us, and to recognize that each one of us, however small, has a unique task in co-creation” my heart nearly skipped a beat. So what is this task of each one of us? 

As I continue to reflect, Edwina’s latest book of poetry Soul Whispers inspires me to continue to look outside the box, deep within myself. Just as the healthy food inside our lunch box sustained me that day, Edwina’s image of my life’s journey inside God’s womb, is in the forefront of my mind, and tucked into my heart. Her question ‘who is God for you’ still resonates within. Instantly I recall the image of God I used to have. In my younger years God and happiness were never synonymous. God was a stern judge … ’do as you’re told, be obedient’ are words that used to echo through my soul. Thankfully I no longer have this image. 

Edwina’s suggestion to see God as a great seducer, ever inviting me deeper into a journey of intimacy, has stayed with me. Along with caterpillars, the sod, the animals, the birds, every man and woman I am part of an interconnected interrelated cosmos. In God’s womb we are one. As a co-creator, God has mandated me, all of us, to care not only for the dear neighbour, but for our common home, mother earth. In light of the recently published encyclical Laudato Si by Pope Francis, I renew my personal commitment to be a loyal faithful co-creator of God’s wonderful earth.

Loretta Hagen, csj