Walk on Earth Gently

The world’s government leaders and members of our human family have been gathered in Bonn, Germany for the UN Convention on Climate Change. Today is the final day of this meeting which has brought together the leaders of nations to provide a comprehensive awareness of the reinforcement and progression of concrete actions taking place all over the world in order to meet the objectives set out in the Paris Climate Agreement.  It has been presided over by the Government of Fiji, an island nation which is disappearing because of rising oceans.

Our world leaders were supported and encouraged by a message from the Leaders of the World Religions, “Walk on Earth Gently”.  As we witness our own nation’s leadership refusing to participate in the Paris Agreement, we recognize the leadership and love and personal conversion being called forth in each and every one of us in response to this greatest moral crisis humanity has ever had to face.

Let us be strengthened and inspired by our global Religious leaders in their message to the world’s government leaders and the members of our human family:

“Earth is a blessing. She supports life and is the basis of all our economies. She conveys beauty and evokes our recognition of something greater than ourselves. She is our temple, our mosque, our sanctuary, our cathedral. Our home.”   (Excerpt from “Walk on Earth Gently”)

I encourage you to read and reflect on the full text of this beautiful and profound invitation to us, the human family. 

Reflection and Artwork (titled Touch the Earth) by Sr. Mary Southard, CSJ (used with permission)
Mary Southard Art www.marysouthardart.org