Archie's Advice on How to Live on the Streets in Winter

These days, here in Chicago, I am involved in two social justice groups that work for the rights of the homeless.  Being invited to write this blog, may I share Archie 's advice for living on the streets in winter, copied down by a caring listener. Archie, our dear neighbour... our hearts go out to him and those like him. Christ, have mercy.

- Sister Wendy Cotter csj


“First, you have to find a lot of blankets; at least 5 or 6, but 10 or 12 would be better. Try to keep them dry. Put on all your clothes, one layer on top of another. Find a place where the wind isn’t blowing too much, like a spot against a wall. Look for a hospital with warm air vents. And if it’s raining or snowing put some cardboard under you and get some shelter over you, like an awning or overhanging. Find some more people trying to survive, because you’ll stay warmer together. Take off your wet socks and anything else that’s wet or else you’ll freeze or get frostbite. Wrap up in all your blankets and put some over your head. You don’t worry about breathing because you’re so cold. The trick is to keep the air out.

If you can get a transit pass, your best bet is to ride the train. Try to find someone else to ride with you so one of you can sleep and one of you can watch your stuff. Keep your stuff on the inside seat and sit next to it. Get off the train before the end of the line so they don’t know you’re homeless or they’ll kick you off the next time you get on. Try to go unnoticed and switch trains so you can ride all night. It sounds crazy, I know, but you can do it, even when it’s below zero outside. You can make it.” – Archie

Today, on International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, let us keep Archie, and the many marginalized like him, our neighbours, in our prayers and in our actions.