A Vacation that Nurtures Spirit

As autumn weather cooled the environment and sunlight turned maple leaves into a glowing splendor of colour, I embarked on several days of silent reflection at Stillpoint House of Prayer.  This small facility on the Madawaska River serves people living in the Ottawa area and beyond who value taking time away from the busyness of daily life to restore energy and to “listen” to the wisdom within the core of their being, that is their “spirit”,  touched by the Spirit of the Creator.

Walking along quiet country roads, sitting on the banks of the Madawaska, and watching storms from within a cozy dwelling were contemplative experiences. It is in such conditions that I gain perspective about what is essential in life, encounter my own limitations, the immensity of God’s love, and learn to live more reflectively. I left Stillpoint with renewed energy, greater perspective of what gives meaning to my life, and awareness of how necessary it is to periodically take time away for renewing spiritual energy.

We all need time and space to care for ourselves. Sometimes turning off the television and walking in a park or one of the many trails alongside rivers and creeks is enough to restore balance in our lives. Perhaps a vacation, designed to nurture your spirit as well as your body and mind, may yield far more benefits than a luxury cruise or expensive stay in a resort.  - Sr. Patricia McKeon, csj