
Advent IV

“There is no way you make your way by walking”

(Antonio Machado)

I learned this saying on a Heart-Links work awareness trip to Peru. During Advent, we visualize the walk Mary and Joseph made to Bethlehem. Their circumstances of forced walking play out in the world today.

We know through constant news feeds that our fellow human beings are on the move fleeing from war, environmental disaster, starvation. They are OUR people on the move, desperate for shelter, for safety, and for a hopeful peaceful future for their families. We say there is room for you in me, but is there? We witness the call to walk beside marginalized homeless in our local communities, those struggling with mental health and addiction issues.

With so much darkness both on the international and domestic scene, Advent gives us the symbol of light to illuminate the way.

Image: Unsplash/Mario Losereit

From 1962-1994 the Sisters of St Joseph in Canada from the London area, served impoverished communities in northern Peru. They did so with open hearts, and some went on to give years of walking in Peru with the people. When it was time to leave, to continue their love and an active presence the Sisters of St Joseph in 1994 created an organization called Heart-Links.

I was privileged to be invited to serve on the first Board of Directors when the Sisters transferred this charity to an incorporated independent corporation in 2003 and I travelled to Peru, to the streets of Zaña, Mocupe, Reque, Aviacion, Nueva Arica, Cayalti, and Cajamarca.  Walking with the people, I felt a reciprocal exchange of love and connection. I met the dynamic Father Victor, well loved by the religious in London and Windsor. We ate bread from the bakery beside his church. Bread that was shared amongst the poor. Thick soups that were given daily at volunteer-run commodores.

Poverty in Peru continues. Heart-Links support stays strong with the oversight of a small office in London and inspiring partners in Peru, but we are fearful that in an instant the physical gains made can be wiped out as the dreaded El Niño is bearing down on them once again. Flooding caused by a warming of the Pacific Ocean brings with it a dengue epidemic, roadblocks, destruction of homes and livelihoods.

We feel firsthand how a perilous lack of resources

can be for the marginalized in our cities.

I am part of a small group that responded to the need to sponsor refugees. As a group that evolved from the commitment of Benedict Labre (formerly Kings College Chapel) and the Quaker meeting at Coldstream we decided to embrace the idea of refugee sponsorship.

Currently the United Nations estimates there are 110 million displaced people in the world, more with this current conflict in Gaza and Ukraine, and over 36.4 million refugees. There are 43.3 million forcibly displaced children. In 2022, Canada accepted 140,621 refugees. We are proud of the fact that our country is unique in its community support of refugee sponsorship, but now the way of walking with refugees is compromised. Government support at all levels has fallen behind the cost of living. Public support for efforts such as ours is declining.

The path we walk on has become very precarious. I am very worried about our latest sponsorship; one we carried out in partnership with the Catholic Diocesan church refugee ministry office.

This blended support sponsorship ends in a year. We have under our care one of the most vulnerable of family groupings. A very young mother and four-year-old son could be homeless in March, 2024. The only apartment we found for her and her son is over the allowable rate by Ontario Works. Landlords know this is a problem and are now refusing to rent to refugees without an individual from the sponsoring group signing the lease. This is not tenable going forward. Our little group is still walking but we need help… all we see right now is the darkness is coming in.

Image: Unsplash/Marek Piwnicki

The north star is a promise of fixed light for all of humanity. It does not divide or distinguish its gifts according to different expressions of faith, rather it gives hope. It illuminates darkness. Walking strengthens our resolve of how we want to go forward in this world.  I have felt in my social justice work that the gift is to the giver. There is a mutuality of walking with.

We share with you the beautiful song below, “Gracias a la Vida “by Mercedes Sosa has a lyric which talks about “the route of the soul from which comes love”.


-Pat Howe, Kindred Spirits Associate Group


From 1965 until today the Sisters of St. Joseph from the Pembroke area have Ministered to the Peruvian people living in the Chincha Valley. This mission continues to respond to the needs of the Peruvian people through the great initiatives of Sister María Choquez and Sister Gloria Muchypiña who are both Chincha Valley woman working among their own people, and Sr. Teresa (a Carondelet Sister of St. Joseph) who continue to minister in the Parish of Our Lady of Fatima, Chincha Alta.

Sister Pauline Coulterman who lived in Peru for 23 years, continues to work for our Peru mission as promoter doing fundraising in Canada for the many projects happening in the Chincha.

Each year she invites interested volunteers to visit Chincha for a two-week experience. These volunteers visit the projects the Sisters are helping out with and get a feel for the needs of the people with the hope that they would be advocates for the mission in Peru.

These trips provided the people an excellent opportunity to experience:

  • the Peruvian people and their culture

  • the historical sites and shrines within the city of Lima

  • the poverty-stricken areas surrounding Lima

  • the wealthy community of Miraflores on the coast

  • the city of Chincha Alta (located to the south of Lima) and its surrounding area

  • the mountain regions of Cuzco and Puno.

Some of the work they assist in involves the formation of the Communities and Training of the leaders in the 58 CEB’s- Basic Christian Communities of the parish. Educational and Spiritual programmes for adults, youth and children. With the help of many dedicated parishioners, they continue to oversee the catechetical sacramental programs introduced by our earlier Sisters.

They work with and oversee the Social Assistance Programme which organizes the distribution of food and clothing to the needy families and attends to some medical needs.

Apart from their work in the parish, the Sisters are responsible for overseeing a number of Canadian supported projects that are happening in the area.

  • Scholarship Program for Peruvian children whereby a Canadian Family agrees to sponsor a particular child from Kindergarten until the end of Grade 11.  Last year there were over 300 children sponsored.

  • Water Projects, the earthquake of 2007 destroyed nearly all water pipe lines of the area.  The main pipes the town replaced but not the lines into the people’s homes.  The Sisters work with these families to get their land deed and the documents needed and this project pays for the pipes and the meters.  Another part of the Water Project is to build bathrooms inside people’s homes to get away from using the back yard as a toilet.  Once an inside washroom is built, showers are also put in. 

The Sisters are constantly looking to the needs of the people and doing what they can to respond. If any one is interested in a two-week visit to Chincha, Lima and (Machu Picchu), Sister Pauline would be more than happy to make arrangements for this. More information can be obtained by contacting Pauline at

Advent - A Celebration of Dreams and Miracles

Advent 2023: A Celebration of Dreams and Miracles

By Sister Melannie Svoboda, a Sister of Notre Dame residing in Chardon, Ohio

Image: Unsplash/Robert Thiemann

This Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent. Advent is the season of the church year that celebrates dreams and miracles. The dry parched desert can burst into a field of poppies and forget-me-nots… Helpless little lambs can snuggle next to mighty ferocious lions… A wild scrawny man dressed in animal hides and munching on grasshoppers can cry out in the wilderness, “REPENT!” and large crowds can listen to his rantings and be dramatically changed… And a young girl, living unnoticed in Podunk, can answer “yes” to an impossible Divine Request and conceive a child who will turn her life and the whole world upside down.

The readings of Advent give testimony to all of these remarkable things. Maybe that’s one reason so many of us are drawn to them. For they tell us: What you see is not all there is. What you assume is the end, is actually the beginning. What you hear is not the final word. What you desire in the deepest recesses of your heart can still be. The incredible things God has done in the past, God is doing in the present. Right now. And God will continue to do such unbelievable things into the future–no matter how bleak, dark, or hopeless our present time may seem.

God is doing miraculous things no matter how bleak, dark, or hopeless our present may seem.

But there’s a catch. God needs us. God needs us to help make these dreams come true, to help work these impossible miracles. In the past, God needed an Isaiah to keep the vision of hope alive before God’s people. God needed a John the Baptist to proclaim the message of returning to God. And God needed a Mary to dare to say “yes” to God’s request as no other handmaid before her had ever done. So Advent is not a time to set up permanent residence in comforting readings that promise a better future. No, it is a time to partner with God wherever we may find ourselves this Advent to help bring about that better future for which we long.

How do we do this? The ways are countless. They are limited only by our imagination and resolve. Many of these ways are mighty deeds though they may seem to be pitifully small. Allow me to suggest a few.

The refrain for Advent is, “Come, Lord Jesus.” Perhaps we can make this refrain our mantra this Advent as we go about our day. When we first crawl out of bed in the morning, we can say, “Come, Lord Jesus into my entire day. The easy parts, the nice parts, the fun parts. But also, Lord Jesus, come into the messy parts, the unpleasant parts, the difficult parts.” And when we crawl back into bed in the evening, we can say, “Come Lord, Jesus. Give me rest and strength this night so I may partner with you again tomorrow.”

Choose one way to make your small world a better place. Do this by following Jesus’ way of unselfish loving. Speak kindly to others. All others. Sometimes we’re kinder to total strangers than we are to the people we live and work with every day. Sometimes we’re kinder to others than we are to ourselves. Overlook some things. Go the extra mile. Where there is little or no love, put love and there will be love.

Image: Unsplash/Laura Nyhuis

Your attention is a valuable gift. Find ways you can give your attention to someone in your life who is overlooked, taken for granted, living on the margins. It can be a family member… a co-worker… a friend… a neighbor… a pastor… a store clerk… an overworked parent… a shut-in… a caregiver… Simply ask yourself: Who is in need of a gentle word, a “thank you,” a smile, a compliment, a note, a phone call, a visit, an offer to help? In English we use the phrase “pay attention.” There’s always a small price to pay when we focus our attention on someone else.

And finally, my prayer for all of us this Advent 2023 is this:

Come, Lord Jesus! May the readings of Advent bring us great consolation. May they encourage us to dream for a better world. May they strengthen us to partner with you to bring about that better world we hope for. Give us a greater appreciation for the miracle of your life of selfless loving, a miracle we can share in every day. This Advent rekindle in us the deepest longings of our hearts for love, peace, goodness, beauty, and truth. Come, Lord Jesus, come! Amen.

For reflection:

Did anything stand out for you in today’s reflection?

Do you like the season of Advent? Why or why not?

How do you plan on celebrating or observing Advent this year?

Our song today is the Advent/Christmas song, “Beyond the Moon and Stars” by Dan Schutte. It captures so beautifully our longing for God… for peace… for light in the darkness.

Advent 2023: A Celebration, used with kind permission from Sister Melannie Svoboda.

Sister Melannie, a Sister of Notre Dame resides in Chardon, Ohio, USA. She counts herself very lucky! Melannie was raised in a loving family on a small farm in northeast Ohio. She entered the Sisters of Notre Dame right after high school. Over the years, her ministries have included high school and college teaching, novice director, congregational leadership, spiritual direction, retreat facilitating, and writing. If you are interested in more of her writings you can find them here.

Presence, Grace, and Gift

Sean came to live with me in late December 2020. His mother passed away about 9 years ago when she was 45 years old due to complications from juvenile diabetes. Prior to that, Sean lived with his step-father in Chatham.

Sean is 35 years old and has Cerebral Palsy and is on the spectrum for autism.  Sean functions cognitively around the age of 8-10 years old.

I went to pick up Sean to come live with me on Dec 24, 2020 following the death of his step-dad from pneumonia. Sean’s only sibling passed away suddenly a few years ago at the age of 32, which left Sean with no immediate family except a grandma and grandpa who are elderly and unable to have Sean live with them.  Sean is not able to live alone due to his cognitive abilities. Sean’s biological father is “not in the picture”.

Sean has taught and continues to teach and remind me of so many priceless and valuable life lessons.  For example, Sean is simple and simply lives in the present moment. He doesn’t worry or have anxieties: he simply lives in the present moment.  When his mother, brother, and step-dad passed away, Sean would say that “they are in heaven now watching over us”.

If you ask Sean today, he would say that he is living his best life through God’s grace. He loves camp and loves to help out.  I am convinced an angel, the Holy Spirit, all of the above was looking out for Sean as he immediately landed a volunteer position at an overnight camp where he works in the kitchen. He gets to stay overnight in a cabin he shares with other staff members. The staff are so good to him, they include Sean in after work activities and treat him as an equal.  Sean came from the Chatham area where his step-dad worked and Sean had some experience working as custodial in a factory on modified duties and later in a marine shop.  Sean graduated from a special college program that provides life skills and specialized classes to students with special needs. When Sean lived in the country near Chatham, he would watch TV or listen to music and had little contact socializing with others due to the country setting.

I am convinced an angel, the Holy Spirit, all of the above was looking out for Sean

The camp director tells me that we need more people like Sean: he is on time for work every day, always completes all chores/tasks and he takes pride in the work he does in the kitchen and shows others how to use the industrial size dishwasher.  Sean never complains and he never asks for anything. 

I am truly grateful for the gift of Sean’s presence through the grace of God.  I am reminded to slow down, not to judge others, not to complain, and to see life as true gift from God.

Sean is a gift from God and during Advent and Christmas, I continue to reflect on Sean’s purpose in life and how and why he entered mine.

-Julie Angiolillo

The Incarnation: God With Us

On this last Sunday of Advent, Matthew’s Gospel presents a synopsis of how the birth of Jesus the Christ took place.  It focuses on Joseph’s visit from an angel who revealed that his wife Mary was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit. This unusual occurrence came to be known as the Incarnation.  The word Incarnation, as it is known in Christianity, if capitalized, is the union of divinity with humanity in Jesus Christ.  (Wikipedia)

During an hour of exposition of the Blessed Sacrament recently, I was overcome thinking about the Incarnation.  In Spanish, incarnation means “flesh”. God has taken on flesh and is one of us. During prayer, I was overwhelmed that Jesus would put on flesh and be born a human being.  How awesome that God would find a way to send His Son, as scripture explains, by overshadowing Mary. The baby who would be born would be the Son of the Most High.

Throughout the centuries. Christmas has been associated with the birth of Jesus, Mary’s son. Is Christmas only a one-day celebration and then we let it go?  Oh no! Jesus is an ongoing Incarnation. Every time we imitate Jesus and have faith in Him, He is born again and again.  On the cusp of Christmas, Advent reminds us of the Incarnation of God’s abiding presence.  Jesus continues to be born every time His presence leads us to imitate Him.

The late Thomas Keating, Cistercian monk and noted spiritual writer, in his book, Awakenings, refers to the Incarnation:

“God has become

one of us and is breathing our air”…  Through His humanity, the whole universe has become divine… By becoming a human being, He is in the heart of all creation and in every part of it”.  (AW, 95-97)

Incarnation, what an amazing Christmas gift!

-Sister Joan McMahon, CSJ