
A Prayer this Canada Day

Today, on Canada Day, O Creator,

We offer You gratitude for Canada’s great beauty,

for the power and the majesty of its land and waters.

As descendants of settlers and newcomers

we recognize the Indigenous Peoples

who have long cared for these lands and waters.

Creator, we ask for your guidance

as we commit once again to truth-seeking, to self-reflection,

and to building just and mutual understanding

between ourselves and Indigenous Peoples.

Mohawk Institute - Public Virtual Tour

June was designated as Indigenous History Month in 2009 and June 21st, (originally named National Aboriginal Day) in 1996 and renamed in 2019, as National Indigenous Peoples Day. Both are becoming more meaningful. Greater numbers of Canadians are taking concrete steps towards meaningful Truth and Reconciliation through the righting and building of relationships with Indigenous Peoples. One of the concrete ways we can do this is through truth-seeking and self-reflection on the under-told stories of our shared history with Indigenous Peoples.

The Woodland Cultural Centre is presenting a public screening of the Mohawk Institute Residential School on Wednesday, July 20/22 and Wednesday, August 17/22 at 7 p.m.

The cost is a small donation of $10. Your donation will support continued virtual programming at the Woodland Cultural Centre and ensure that we can continue to deliver the highest quality programs centered on a Hodinohsho:ni worldview, celebrating, and sharing Indigenous cultures, languages, and art.

This virtual tour video was created with local production company Thru the Reddoor, and it follows the guide, Lorrie Gallant, as she gives a tour of the former Mohawk Institute Indian Residential School. During the video Lorrie provides the history of the institution over its 140- year history.

Viewers will get to see the different rooms in the school, from the girls’ and boys’ dormitories, the cafeteria, laundry room, and other rooms throughout the building, as well as hear interviews from five Survivors of the Mohawk Institute.  To view: Register Here

 -Sister Nancy Wales, csj

Credit: Text on Virtual Tour directly from

Weekly Pause and Ponder

Weekly Pause and Ponder

We must return to the spiritual values that are the foundation of life. We must love and respect all living things, have compassion for the poor and the sick, respect and understanding for women and female life on this earth who bear the sacred gift of life –

Indigenous delegates to the Global Forum on Environment, 1990.