World Teachers' Day

World Teachers Day

Who was your favourite teacher? I would wager that you remember more about their ways than about the subject material they taught. You might recall with appreciation how they supported you with gentle encouragement. In fact, “Nine-tenths of education is encouragement", states the 19th century , French novelist and writer, Antoine French.

As an educator myself, I recall my grade twelve biology teacher. She modelled for me the necessity of being an enthusiastic teacher. Although she had taught certain lessons numerous times, she still enthusiastically joined us in the wonders as we dissected our first earthworm.

My biology teacher must have seen in me the potential educator. She placed her trust in me to teach her biology class when she was confined to our care centre with pleurisy. I was her substitute teacher.

Nine tenths of education is encouragement
— Anatole France

Each evening after supper in the dining room I would head to her temporary room in the infirmary. At her bedside on second floor, I would receive my one-to-one lesson on blood vessels, heart valves and all things related to the functioning of the human circulatory system. The next morning, buoyed up by the confidence she placed in me,  I would bravery pass on my newly acquired knowledge to my peers.

The one advantage Sister gave me, the student teacher, was a handwritten note  from her to read to my classmates. The note clearly stated that we were responsible for the unit on the circulatory system, and on her return to class, we could expect a test!

World Teachers Day on October 5th offers us  an opportunity  to reflect back on our school days and remember that particular teacher or hopefully teachers who offered us support through encouragement that impacted our lives.

Let us celebrate World Teachers Day as Teacher Appreciation Day.

-Sister Nancy Wales, CSJ

World Teachers' Day

GOD BLESS TEACHERS one and all!  

Yes, those of the past, present, and future, in any and all parts of our world!  Teachers are water to precious sprouting seeds, that parents have planted.  Teachers to children, are sunshine affirming dreams, giving branch to new dreams of these fragile flowers.  They are the leaders/builders and parents of the future.

Image: Unsplash/CDC

Teachers are not created equal, nor are parents, or any other group of skilled workers created equal.  We are not robots, clones. Teachers come into the profession with the best of intentions, talents, just like the rest of us in whatever we do, and they have my admiration and respect.

Sr. Teresa Hayes with Renfrew girls at St. Joseph’s Academy | CSJ ARCHIVES

I hold strong admiration too, for the women who immigrated to Canada/US for the purpose of being teachers in the new world, among these women, were the Sisters of St Joseph (1851 Philadelphia).  They accomplished much with sparse communal and academic resources, in a similar but lesser way than teachers in Third World countries must do today.

In Africa, as an example, the zeal to learn in children is very strong and the needs for bare basics in all areas of life are enormous. Out of this poverty, leaders will rise because the spirit of God prevails in and through all things, and even despite human errors and limitations.

However, today, in our time, it is fitting and imperative that first world countries continue to reach out to help. The need has never been greater, due to added stressors from climate change, for which we are all largely responsible.  I suggest that in a collective healing and loving way, right now, we do more than just read this article, know facts, and feel helpless. We can also get involved as suggested below:

Image: Unsplash/Leonardo Toshiro Okubo

Today, now, as a small gesture of Solidarity and Thanksgiving, let us take a few moments to visualize and send a blessing out to all teachers past, present or future throughout out world but especially mindful of Third World population that hunger and thirst daily for education and basic needs.

As you begin…

  • Take two or three deep relaxing breaths, then close your eyes…sense the heart area in your body… notice your chest expanding and contracting during two or three slow deep breaths in and out. 

  • Visualize before you, planet earth, suspended in quiet dark universe…see it surrounded by billions and billions of bright stars, as you take in this remarkable view, notice how peaceful and quiet it is around you.

  • Feel in your heart a stirring of energy. Visualize that energy moving outward towards earth radiating over earth and blessing all teachers, filling them with healing light and love, wisdom and gratitude.

Be with this sharing a few moments longer - then, when you are ready, let this visualization fade from your awareness and open your eyes.

-Sister Patricia St. Louis, csj