
Third Sunday of Lent


Today, in John’s Gospel account (Jn 2:13-25) we move from a wedding celebration held in Cana to a riot-like scenario in the temple of Jerusalem.  What a shock and sight that must have been!  Jesus is seen displaying anger by upending tables, shooing animals using a whip, causing money to fly all over the place.  What is this outburst all about?  Psalm 69 sheds light on the situation by  describing Jesus’ bold gesture in these words: “It is zeal for your house that has consumed me.” It wouldn’t be until much later that the disciples of Jesus would remember these words and connect them to the Psalmist’s meaning.  The message is clear and urgent! 

“Stop making my Father’s house a house of merchandise.” (John 2:16). 

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What is most intriguing about Jesus cleansing the temple is the ongoing structural injustice within the Temple itself.  A justified system had become one in which the leaders used laws to marginalize the poor.  Jesus wanted nothing of this kind of business!  With his time getting shorter, there lay his deep sense of urgency to address injustices such as greed and power. Hence, the display of anger on Jesus’ part is seen as a bold gesture to shake up things and to wake up the financial and spiritual temple leaders from corruption.    

Although the leaders display upset over Jesus’ overt use of authority, they had not yet comprehended the symbolism of the Temple which is God’s dwelling place.  God not only dwelt within the temple but also within the people and today, within us!  Yes, Jesus came in the flesh to be within us and among us.

This week, we might consider Jesus’ bold gesture and ask ourselves some challenging questions as we prepare for the Easter Resurrection. What bold gestures are needed in our time?  Where do I/we need to stand boldly and be a voice for the voiceless?  What does not belong in God’s temple and needs transformation?   

-Sister Linda Parent, csj