The Fourth Week of Advent

During these past two years of Covid, planning a trip to see a loved one has been something longed for but unlikely. No doubt the trip Mary took to visit Elizabeth was also longed for but unlikely and then the opportunity presented itself, her great announcement. Angels messages must be shared!

Jewish tradition at the time had two distinct aspects to a marriage: the betrothal period followed typically within a year by a wedding ceremony. Once a couple were betrothed, they were considered to already be husband and wife. It was not uncommon for a child to be conceived in the interim. Thankfully, Mary’s conception would not have raised any judgmental attitudes.

I like to think Mary “went as fast as she could”, or “in haste” to see Elizabeth for three reasons:

  1. to share her excitement about her betrothal and her pregnancy

  2. to share with her cousin/mentor/dare I say spiritual companion the angel’s message, and

  3. to help Elizabeth in her final trimester of her later-in-life pregnancy.

John the Baptist, then ending his second trimester in utero was no doubt leaping in Elizabeth’s womb. What a timely recognition of Mary’s blessed conception. New life, always a treasure.

Now, so close to Christmas, for what do you long? With whom will you visit and share your own blessed experiences in life? Who will you assist through a blessed time which for some is very difficult? With so many ways in which Christ is born daily in our lives how can we help but rejoice and share the good news?

Merry Christmas to all!

Maureen Condon

Image source: Unsplash: Greyson Joralemon