With a book in hand...

"Said the river:  imagine everything you can imagine, then keep on going...."

This quote by the poet Mary Oliver bookends this story which takes place in England during the years 1939 to 1962.  The central date is March 1960.

In 1939 a mum sends her two daughters to the country for protection from the anticipated German bombers. The elder, Hazel (14) often cares for Flora (5). She weaves elaborate stories about an imaginary world that only the two share. One day Flora falls asleep on a blanket by the river; Hazel goes to a nearby tree to visit a friend.  When she returns, Flora is gone.  Despite a massive search, Flora is never found.  For Hazel, how long can she hope?  Now comes March, 1960...

An intriguing story with many unexpected twists and a satisfying ending. 

- Jackie Potters, csj Associate

Header Image: Unsplash/Dan Dumitriu