Keep Walking

Walking, Walking, Walking to Jerusalem … five weeks, here we are at last! Look, there is a big parade, would you believe it, Jesus, like a King, riding on a donkey. Alleluia, Alleluia, here He is our King. The excitement draws us in – who doesn’t like a parade. And so the week begins!

Jesus lies low until Thursday then He makes it Holy with the institution of the Eucharist and by washing the feet of his disciples. The evening is flawed only by Judas, who is about to betray Jesus.

If I wrote my version of Holy Week I’d prefer to move from Holy Thursday right to the glory of the Resurrection. However, as you know, “you can’t have one without the other.”

Is this not the way to approach life – parades, festivities, meals, and celebrations? Soon enough we come to realize that in every life Good Friday must fall.

We want to be part of the parade, maybe even lead the donkey but as night falls so do we, not to be seen again until Easter Sunday.

We have walked to Jerusalem over the last few weeks – we have arrived.  Now, how will we walk into the “total” reality of Holy Week? Can we move from the head to the heart? Can we move our Lenten conversion into the past Easter season?

Will our change in heart and spirit continue to grow as we continue our walk into Eternal Life?

We are gifted with the call to serve and fed by the Eucharist – now leading the parade is up to us. Jesus is Risen, Alleluia – He wants to take part in our parade. Can we make room for Him in our daily parade?

Jesus lived the whole mystery.

Alleluia Christ is Risen

– and so shall we!


Barbara Vaughan, CSJ