Ordinary People Love This Book

While relaxing at our lake house in mid-December, I came across New York Times’ bestselling author Matthew Kelly’s 2018 book, “The Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity”.  The jarring title together with the claim on the book jacket that “ordinary people love this book”, piqued my interest and I began my search for the answer.  The book’s short, entertaining chapters kept me turning pages, until in chapter six, I found the answer.

In referring to the biggest lie, Kelly explains, “This lie is not one that non-Christians tell.  It’s a lie we tell ourselves as Christians”.  The lie concerns holiness. Kelly asserts, “The great majority of modern Christians don’t actually believe that holiness is possible”.  We think that maybe grandparents and saints of old reached holiness but never us.

The author spends the rest of the chapters debunking the notion that holiness is not possible for everyone.  He also explains in practical terms how to strive for holiness.  Such holiness is the antidote to the anger and ill will that is consuming today’s society and thwarting positive attitudes and the desire for peace.

Take up this easy to read book and you will learn the art of what Kelly calls the “Holy Moment”.  I think he has rebranded a concept that is as old as humanity.  In referring to the holy moment, Kelly cautions, “This single, profound, beautiful truth will change your life forever”.  It has the possibility to transform our ailing world.

I’m so convinced of the value of reading “The Biggest Lie the History of Christianity”, that this Christmas, I sent a copy to all ten of my nieces and nephews.  I’m a believer, trying to live Holy Moments every day.

By Jean Moylan, csj