Cultivating Soul Time

Once again a tagline from a commercial caught my attention. The phrase, “Find your oasis. Savour the moment, got me thinking.

Oasis has both a factual and figurative meaning. Its literal meaning is a green spot of life in the desert. In the past, caravans would intentionally stop at these places to find fresh water for their animals and themselves. Metaphorically, an oasis is a metaphor for a flourishing place in one’s life.

The season of Advent invites us to savour the moments of our daily life in a more conscious manner. We are offered an annual invitation to cultivate “soul time”. Yearly, Christians are encouraged to take this seasonal opportunity to find nourishing places of quiet and set aside time to nurture ourselves spiritually.

As Advent begins, how might we put “soul time” on our agenda and in our day planners?

Sister Nancy Wales, CSJ

Image: Unsplash/Timothy Simon