Advemt reflection

Anticipating the Advent of our God

As I began to think of Advent I could hear ringing in my ears, “Not same old . . . make a difference this year.” But what difference will I, could I make?

Anticipating an event can be a most rich part of living. Imagine the happy wonderings and planning of an expectant mother and father in the nine months of gestation. Notice the loving anticipation of a bride and groom in the time prior to their wedding. We wonder what emotions passed through the hearts of Mary and Joseph as they awaited their child, and questioned the specialness of this event as they have been told by messangers of God.

Each church year we take time to anticipate the advent of our God. Advent and Christmas are truly times for personal reflection and deep meditation within our hearts.

Sister Elizabeth Johnson, CSJ reminds us that eventually the early Christian community confessed that Jesus was the Christ, the Messiah, the anointed one, the one anointed by the Spirit.

“Through his human history the Spirit who pervades the universe becomes concretely present in a small bit of it; . . . the Shekinah (one who dwells) dwells among the suffering people in a new way. In a word, Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us”

Johnson goes on to say that this is profoundly good news for persons who are poor, denigrated, oppressed, struggling, victimized and questing for life and the fullness of life. Under the influence of this same Spirit, disciples of Jesus continue to keep alive this dangerous memory of his life, death and resurrections. (She Who Is, p. 150)

Making a difference this Advent:

  • I will try to carry out one simple, loving act of mercy every day
  • I will let “light” – daylight, a candle remind me of the Light living among us, Shekinah
  • I will choose an Advent biblical figure, Mary, Joseph, John the Baptist, lowly shepherds and accompany her/him/them during Advent in anticipation of Jesus’ birth.

How will you make a difference as you live this Advent?

Betty Berrigan, CSJ