

February – the most dreaded word in a grade three spelling bee. It is the shortest month of the year, even when once in four it has one day more. For being such a short month it is jammed packed with heart growth full opportunities.

Valentine’s Day (Friday, February 14th) is also known as “Happy Heart Day.” Let’s take it beyond mushy, let’s make it real. We think with fondness on the ones we love; this year we could make a special effort to reach out to one or two of those who could benefit from a smile or surprise card. As children, we remember counting our valentines – who received the most or least – the one’s we created for our mothers and fathers.

In our world as it is today we need “Happy Hearts” more than once a year. It will take some work but “it is a small world after all!” Heart to heart – we can make it happen.

A few years ago the Canadian Government decided that there would be a holiday every month of the year. February did not have such a day. So they instituted “Family Day” (Monday, February 17th this year), a wonderful concept for those families who are able to take advantage of it. I was always under the notion that “everyday” was family day. “What a wonderful world it would be.”

As a real plus this year we have the “Winter Olympic Games” that started on Thursday, February 6th in Sochi Russia.

Please explain to me why the unity of coming together every four years (Summer and Winter Olympics) can’t be extended to a broader base. The games are an opportunity for the best athletes from most countries to compete, mingle, and celebrate the best of the best. On the other hand we have Syria, Iraq, Egypt, etc. – their games are devastating, we must not forget the “war games: where nobody wins or celebrates. “Peace on Earth, Good Will TO ALL!”

February – F-e-b-r-u-a-r-y!

Happy Heart!

Happy Family!

Happy Games!

P.S. My apologies to Wiarton Willie and all groundhogs – I forgot to mention February 2nd Groundhog Day. 

Barbara Vaughan, CSJ