Barbara Fiand

It's Not About Me

“The one who is more powerful than I is coming after me; I am not worthy to stoop down and untie the thong of his sandal.” (Mark1;1-8l) This is the root of John’s message. He preached about someone else, someone who would come after him. The Baptist was not interested in the limelight. He was not interested in praise or adulation. He was interested in preparing the way!

Though our consumer society bombards us with material goods that will ensure happiness we know that true happiness comes from within, from a sense of wellbeing and self-worth. Our call is to allow ourselves to be consumed by the person of Jesus, the one preached by the Baptist. And in being consumed we will burn.

In Barbara Fiand’s book, “On Becoming Who We Are”, she reflects on a story told by the Persian mystic Rumi about Moses overhearing a shepherd at prayer. The shepherd was willing to help God in any way possible from washing God’s clothes to tending his sheep and goats. As the story goes Moses chastises the shepherd for being so naive about the nature of God. Terrified by Moses’ reaction the shepherd repents and wanders the desert. God intervenes and questions Moses about HIS treatment of the shepherd. God told Moses that phraseology or language are not what is important:

 “I want burning, burning. Those who pay attention
to ways of behaving and speaking are one sort. 
Lovers who burn are another.”

Moses runs off looking for the shepherd and finds him in the depth of a mystical union - united to the Holy One in deepest love. (pp. 52-53)           

Rumi’s story has stayed with me. Especially when a person I am counseling experiences release from some dark personal desert and is led to fuller life we both rejoice and I am so aware of God working in me. It is not about me, it is not rigid teaching, or pious platitudes but as the psalmist says it is an invitation to listen deeply while trusting the intuition of another. “Let me hear what God the Lord will speak". (p. 85)

Peter’s gentle invitation is simply asking us to be at peace while waiting for a new heaven and a new earth. Clearly we are to live these Advent days in joyful anticipation. With Mary may we walk with deep interior peace, and a serenity of spirit knowing that the Almighty is doing great things in us. Mary knew how to receive and how to hold spiritual gifts, and she knew that they had to be given away to be maintained, deepened and understood. For Mary, it was all about the child she was to birth.


  • How would I describe BURNING in my heart ?
  • How is the manner in which I live each day reflective of Mary’s openness to the unexpected?                       

Pat Hogan CSJ                                                  



A Retreat : Seeing With New Eyes

“It is the Fire in our midst….. the Spirit of God deep within….. an invitation into a new vision that will transform and energize us.” (Barbara Fiand) Sister Barbara Fiand, SNDdeN, will invite and guide retreat participants into Seeing with New Eyes…Embracing Our Faith in Times of Transition during a time of reflection from Friday, May 2, 2014-Wednesday, May 7, 2014. Retreatants will gather at Holy Family Retreat House, Oxley, Ontario on Lake Erie’s North Shore.

What to Expect? “It’s hard to say, but I know this much, Barbara has a way of engaging everyone in the conversation whether you have an extensive theology background or perhaps one or two courses. Her style is invitational and she leaves one with the desire to plumb the issue further whether it be the reality of Hell, A Theology of Eucharist or Seeing the Universe as Expanding in all Directions. Through her passion and depth of personal prayer, qualities which are manifest by her mastery of the material and the sincerity of her words, Barbara is able to stir one’s intellectual abilities and penetrate one’s soul. You will be free to ask questions in her presentations and Barbara may even have open sessions for participants’ questions only.

I have made two retreats with Barbara and because of the soul stretching I experienced on these occasions, Sister Jackie Janisse and I invited her to come to Canada. This is a wonderful opportunity to engage your mind, heart and soul as you listen to Barbara and to the urgings of God’s spirit in your soul.

The environment at Holy Family Retreat House, Oxley Ontario, which is extremely peaceful is conducive to contemplative prayer in a milieu of God’s natural beauty of trees, flowers, Lake Erie, birds and other little fur babies running around the property.

Sign up now! You will return home invigorated, renewed, relaxed and profoundly grateful.

For brochure click HERE. For a flyer click HERE.

Pat Hogan CSJ”