Third Sunday of Advent

“The spirit of God is upon me… and has sent me to bring good news…”


How our world longs for Good News: refreshment in the midst of COVID-19 and ease from the burden of worry and loneliness. News of a vaccine is pending and we have our arms ready. But our world also longs for relief from financial constraints and from the negativity of politicians and media. Our world longs for unity, for the peace of compassionate understanding, for hope amidst unjust criticism and oppressive structures. Front-line workers need relief and support against the anti-vaxxers, the conspiracy theorists, and merchants who fail to protect against price gouging and lapsed safety protocols. Into this world, the Saviour is coming. Who will bring the message of healing, forgiveness and hope? Who will stand in solidarity with those tired of waiting; with those drowning in COVID- fatigue? Who will call the people to patience and compassion?

We wait in hope; we live in the in-between time of no vaccine, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. We just don’t know how long the tunnel is, and it is dark! Who will wait with patience and compassion and hope? Our charism of reconciling love calls us to wait, and to stir the embers of hope in those suffering from fatigue, loneliness and isolation. Our prayer today is for a restoration of hope, and our action today may be the renewing smile and the gesture of solidarity as simple as touching an elbow. We wait in hope, in patience and in stillness. We wait … knowing our God waits with us, walks alongside us into the wilderness and beyond. “Rejoice… pray… give thanks… hold fast… the One who calls is faithful… and will do this.”

-Sister Helen Russell, csj