Volunteer Week - A Week of Gratitude

Today is the beginning of National Volunteer Week 2021 and as we think of all the wonderful volunteers we, here at The Sisters of St. Joseph, have been blessed to work alongside over these many years we want to share a letter that was recently sent to us, from one of our volunteers. Roger volunteers in London, Ontario at our St. Joseph’s Hospitality Centre - our “soup kitchen”.

We’re so very blessed by the many kind-hearted folks who share this work with us.

Dear Sisters of St. Joseph in London,

I hope this essay brings some understanding of the work you lead.

The scene is a small shop. Across the street are boarded-up stores - long left to allow those who prefer to sleep in the doorways to find the accommodation of isolation to their liking. The shop has two large window panes being pelted with snow and through those panes, we can see the homeless lined up. They long to get inside where breakfast is being served.

Some of the homeless are on their way back - sober, and dressed in their best from the “hand out” down the street. Others are struggling and sway back and forth, doing their best to appear like the others.

We, all volunteers, await the 9 o’clock door opening. We say out loud, “OK everybody, let’s begin.”

hospitality centre.jpg

As they enter, they are cordially met with a very comfortable lady who is respected by the men and women (and some children) as they pay their 50 cents and are given a plastic coin. Some go directly to the counter which displays bread, cakes, and buns - and they ‘bag’ their wants. These nutritious necessities having been donated by local food stores and delivered this very morning.

Many sit quietly awaiting one of our volunteers to approach and take the breakfast order. They may sit with strangers but others meet here on a regular basis.

Some shout to the cook, “Morning Tracy!”, others sit with their head down, not feeling too well at this early hour. This is a slow time for the dishwasher so he has a bowl of hot cereal and toast with coffee - but, following his repast, he never stops because the dishes keep coming.

Everyone seems to know the routine. The lady keeps the coffee ready for the gang to pick up and deliver, the chef keeps the eggs and bacon served on plates with such a rhythm you begin to wonder if she is not a machine. You soon realize she is very human when she directs a volunteer to serve the lady with the assortment of bags in the far corner who has been waiting for service for a bit of time. Our “chef” has an eye for those in need.


Oh-oh, voices are starting to climb…heavy voices…shouts at the table near the front. Accusations about a possession? An argument about a fork, a salt shaker? A parcel moved to another site? A chair saved for a friend?

Some pay attention without saying a word, but others stay to their meal without getting involved - they’ve seen it many times before. Within seconds, Bill the manager who is recognized as the ‘man-in-charge, arrives at the table of confrontation. You can sense the relief of the volunteers - it will be taken care of. Bill quickly kneels in front of the anxious and frustrated lonely woman. She continues to yell and scream, but then those screams and yells become whispers - Bill stands, and all is quiet. She moves to another table still mumbling but now about another matter. We, at the back, look at one another and smile - we try to give a reason for such behaviour - some think that she may have missed her ‘meds’ - however, one understands such behaviour and we are thankful for Bill.

I’ve known Bill for many years - in fact, I knew him as a baby. I coached hockey with his Dad when his brother played on our team. I am not sure how long he has been employed by the Sisters of St. Joseph at the Hospitality Centre in East London but, however long it has been it has been a blessing to the thousands that simply know him as “Bill.”

Roger Miller, Volunteer

Since covid, we have been unable to host guests and work with our Volunteers. The Sisters make sandwiches each day and the staff at our Hospitality Centre serves them to those in need.

Roger is one of many volunteers that will be recognized for his dedication and kindness as we start volunteer week today. 
