
We Can Do Better

Whatever your political leanings are it’s time to exercise your right and responsibility to cast your vote in the 2022 Ontario Provincial Election. If you have not voted yet the polls are open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. tomorrow. Our democracy needs stronger support than the 2018 turn out of 58%. Ironically, this scant voter turnout was lauded with the hope that there was a rising trend of increasing citizen engagement. Not a very high passing grade for citizen engagement. There however remains much room for better turnout and greater participation in our democracy.

As viewers of the daily news, we witness the many sacrifices and challenges that Ukrainians endure and undertake to protect their countries democracy. Can we not do so little by taking time to exercise our freedom and value our democracy by casting our vote?

Each voter helps create the final percentage of voter turnout. Be sure to add your voice and your ballot to the count and the 2022 election results.

Sister Nancy Wales, csj

Image: Unsplash/Element5Digital